Outstanding Social Media Presence Award 2023-07-01
On 2024-07-25On behalf of Netturul's Board of Directors , we would like to express our gratitude & appreciation to Malaysian Direct Distribution Association (MDDA) to present the Outstanding Social Media Presence Award to Netturul Resources Sdn Bhd on MDDA 30th Annivesary and inaugural Grand Award Recognition held on 24 June 2023 at The EQ Hotel. This recognition is a beacon for us , demonstrating the remarkable pinnacle that can be reached with enthusiasm & determination. In Direct Selling business, people are the pillars of the business , connects people from all walk of life . The same principle goes for social media platform as a tool to connect people. We are indeed proud to be recognised for The Outstanding Social Media Presence. This recognition has given us the confidence & affirmation that all these years we are doing the things right to use social media as a digital tool , creatively to share our 3P (people, product & plan) marketing contents to engage & to connect to a wider range of customer base. Last but not lease my sincere thanks to MDDA 's panel judges to present this award.